A Journey to Success – A Conversation With Exhibit 3Sixty Directors.

Fifteen years ago, Exhibit 3Sixty’s co-directors, Alan Craner and Andrew Pearce, embarked on a new business venture, determined to single-handedly enhance the industry’s overall customer experience standards and expectations. Seeing the creation of Exhibit 3Sixty as an opportunity to break free from the constraints of a profit-driven corporate environment, it was an exhilarating prospect that seemed achievable with the right mentality and determination – however, one they would soon realise would not be an easy feat.

What were the challenges you faced when starting the company?

Armed with only our friendship and a few customer relationships from our previous job, we began the daunting task of building an organisation from scratch. Managing tight finances with limited custom, workforce, equipment, and location presented significant challenges, which made for a very stressful year where we made just enough money to get by. We relied solely on perseverance and the belief that it had to work, and it did.

What key milestones or accomplishments in the company’s history are significant to you?

Despite the initial challenges, Exhibit 3Sixty has achieved numerous milestones over the years. Our organisation has come a long way, from commercial successes to award-winning status and even being featured on national television. In recent years, after obstacles caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we rebuilt Exhibit 3Sixty stronger than ever, doubling our pre-pandemic turnovers and expanding our operations by establishing a new base at the NEC earlier this year. This expansion allowed us to accommodate the growing demands of our clients and solidify our position as a leading supplier in the industry.

While there have been many major milestones, we are most proud that our values and beliefs have never changed and that we continue to establish ourselves as the only organisation offering comprehensive, turn-key exhibition services in the UK.

What is your secret to success? 

We firmly believe that our success can be attributed to hard work, our core values of honesty and transparency, and our commitment to fostering strong customer relationships. We ensure the customer knows exactly what they are paying for because we never overpromise or underdeliver.

Honesty and transparency are at the heart of our operations, empowering our clients with the assurance that their needs will always be met. By maintaining open communication, we provide expert advice to our customers whilst managing their expectations concerning their budgets and timeframes, and our focus on building trust and delivering on our promises has allowed us to build great relationships, which is why we have an excellent track record for retaining customers.

However, hard work, perseverance, and continuous learning are crucial to building a successful business. Over the years, we have honed our skills and expertise in what works and what doesn’t. Our experience, combined with a strong work ethic and adaptability, has helped us navigate challenges and setbacks, allowing us to learn from each experience – even now, 15 years later. 


As we continue to grow, we wish to inject youth and fresh perspectives into Exhibit 3Sixty, as we aim to keep up with new industry trends, and our recent hires, Sam and Katie, have proven this extremely beneficial. We believe in laying strong foundations and implementing best practices that ensure our standards and quality continue to grow, and by embracing new talent and nurturing their potential, we are confident that this will yield great results. 

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